Sixth Form Life

Head of Sixth Form Mrs G Willcox
Assistant Head of Sixth Form Mrs Y Sewell
Pastoral Manager Mrs C Harris


Sixth Form Tutor Groups

Year 13 Groups

C Mr D Andrews
H Mr G Nolan
E Miss L Thorpe
L Mr S Wareham


Year 12 Groups

M Mr H Read         
R Miss K White
V Mrs R Pledger


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At Chelmer Valley High School we are committed to providing a rich and stimulating environment for students who wish to continue their studies into the Sixth Form, enabling our students to maximise their potential and achieve to the highest level of their abilities.

We offer a wide variety of subject options with pathways to support all students applying to us. 

Sixth Form students study 3 or 4 subjects in both Years 12 and 13. Both year groups will also complete Additional Studies offering a choice between Extended Project Qualification, Arts Award and Sports Leadership Award. Students have a combination of lessons, directed study time and independent study time on their timetables, as well as time each day with a personal tutor, who will support and advise the student to help maximise their achievement whilst in the Sixth Form. 

The school has its own dedicated Sixth Form Block. This is made up of a study area, with 50 computers and areas for individual private study and a common room for relaxation during break and lunchtimes. There is an active Student Leadership Team, which represents student opinions to staff and organises social & charity events throughout the year.

There is plenty of career advice available. We believe students need to do what is right for them, and so we offer information on all possible Post 18 options. Students interact and engage with external speakers from a variety of bodies including universities, apprenticeships and workplaces and are fully supported through the application process during Year 13 and on A-Level results day as well as after they have left.

We have excellent links to alumni, those of which have offered to support current students in mentor programmes to apply to university and apprenticeships. The alumni are part of the Careers days in Year 12 where students speak to a panel who discuss what they studied with us and how they have reached the career they are in today. 

The School Day

8.30am Registration
8.55am Period 1
10.00am Period 2
11.00am Break time
11.20am Period 3
12.25pm Period 4
1.25pm Lunch
2.00pm Period 5
3.00pm End of the school day


In Chelmer Valley Sixth Form all students are expected to attend registration daily at 8.30am each day. It is important that their tutors have the opportunity to pass on important messages and information throughout the year. Tutor time is also used to encourage students to become involved in the general life of the school and allows tutors to check on progress or any concerns/worries the students may have. Year 12 students are expected to remain on site at all times until after October half term. After this, if the Head of Sixth Form is happy that the students are using their study time appropriately; students will be issued with a proximity card which will allow them to leave the school site when they do not have a lesson. Students are all encouraged to study during non-lesson periods. 


If a student is absent, parents need to call in and report the absence on the school absence line or a Parent can email Mrs Harris . Good attendance is vital in ensuring Sixth Form success.

Dress Code

Sixth Form dress should be of a smart-casual nature. Smart casual wear, i.e. smart jeans or tailored shorts with a blouse, shirt, or polo shirt with a blazer

We use START:

Sports attire is not permitted – no tracksuits or joggers

Trainers and Converse are acceptable

Always look presentable and ready to meet visitors (this includes lanyards)

Ripped clothes/jeans are completely unacceptable

Torsos and tattoos must be completely covered

•Ripped, dirty, worn, faded or offensive items are too casual for a place of work and are therefore not permitted

•It is important that students are aware that items of clothing they may choose to wear at weekends or to the beach are not appropriate in a school setting

•Footwear includes trainers and Converse

•Lanyards must be worn at all times.

If we feel a student's clothing is in breach of our expectations, they will be spoken to. If students continue to wear unsuitable clothing, they may be asked to go home and change.


Part Time Work

It is understood that students will apply for part time work and it is a good experience for them. Studying for A-levels, however, is a full time commitment and students need to have a good work/life balance with time to relax as well as study. We would recommend therefore that students do not take on more than 8 hours per week.