Late Start / School Closure

Late Start/School Closure

There are occasions when the school has to be closed in order to ensure the safety of both the students and the staff. In most cases the decision to close is made if snow or ice means that the buses cannot run safely or if the school site is deemed unsafe. Similarly, if a significant number of staff are unable to travel to school because of the severe conditions (some of whom travel a considerable distance), then the decision to close may also be necessary. It is, however, our desire and intention to keep the school open whenever possible. With this in mind we have decided that, if circumstances allow, a ‘Late Start Day’ will be implemented instead of full school closure.

A ‘Late Start Day’ will mean that school will start at 10.30am, with a modified timetable for the day and will then finish at 3.00pm. The buses will collect the students at the normal pick up points, although pick up times will be two hours later than normal. For example, if the normal pick up time is 8.00am, it will become 10.00am on a ‘Late start Day’.

On a ‘Late Start Day’ students will need to bring equipment/kit for the subjects they have during the first four periods of that day.

We will endeavour to provide as much advance notice of a ‘Late Start Day’ as possible and students will be alerted to the possibility of a ‘Late Start Day’ the day before. The final decision of either ‘Late Start Day’ or full school closure will be communicated as early as possible, on the morning in question, via the normal communication channels, which include:

  • School website
  • Parentmail
  • Twitter @ChelmerValleyHS
  • Recorded phone message
  • Local Radio
  • ECC Website

The same process and method of communication will then be followed on each subsequent day of severe weather.

It should be noted that during the Sixth Form public examination periods there are separate arrangements which have already been communicated.

We fully appreciate the disruption caused during such times and are seeking to minimise this as much as possible and we hope the new arrangements meet with your approval. If you have any questions or would like to raise any issues, please contact the school by phone or email