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Duke of Edinburgh

D of E Coordinator: Mrs A Robinson

Follow @CVHS DofE on Twitter for all the latest updates


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The Duke of Edinburgh’s (D of E) Award is the world’s leading youth achievement award, giving millions of 14 to 24-year-olds the opportunity to be the very best they can be.

The D of E is a balanced programme of activities that develops young people’s life skills and social interaction. It is way of encouraging young people to live life as an adventure.

There are three Award levels:

  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold

At Chelmer Valley High School the Bronze Award is well established and is undertaken in Year 10. The Silver Award is currently being organised for Year 11 students.

To complete the Award, participants must undertake four sections:

  • Volunteering - helping someone, your community or the environment.
  • Physical - becoming fitter through sport, dance or fitness activities.
  • Skills - developing existing talents or trying something new.
  • Expedition - planning, training for and completing an adventurous journey.

The D of E is a challenging yet rewarding programme. It allows young people to develop their confidence and social skills, set personal goals, be recognised by universities and employers and develop a sense of adventure.


D of E Bronze Award 2024 key dates:




Parents meeting

Wednesday 13th December 2023


Training Day

Saturday 16th March 2024

10.00 to 15.00

Practice expedition

Saturday 11th May and

Sunday 12th May 2024

Approximately 9.00 on Saturday to approximately 16.00 on Sunday

Qualifying expedition

Saturday 8th June and

Sunday 9th June 2024

Preparation - TBC


If you have any D of E related questions at any point please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Robinson via the school or email: arobinson@chelmer.essex.sch.uk.

Useful links:

D of e

Jack Petchey Awards

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Established in 1999, The Jack Petchey Foundation gives grants to programmes and projects that benefit young people aged 11-25.

The Foundation exists to raise the aspirations of young people, to help them take advantage of opportunities and play a full part in society.

Staff and students are nominated for their awards by members of staff and students and the winners of both awards are selected by the student voice committee.  Winners of the Jack Petchey award receive £250 to spend on improving the school experience.  How this money is spent is chosen by the winner.

Leader Award

The Leader Award is given to a member of staff for their tremendous help and assistance provided to the students, they can then apply for a £500 grant for the school. These grants in the past have provided gymnasium equipment, hurdles, a telescope and drama props.  They have also enabled students to go on school visits to the Science museum and ice skating.

Student Voice

Students working together to help the school meet their needs

Student Voice Aims: To allow the entire student body to explain and voice their view on school life through the elected form representatives in an appropriate setting and forum.

We aim to improve school policy and practice

Student Voice plays an integral part in the school. Students help to appoint staff, are consulted on school expansion projects, developing subject schemes of work and evaluating the performance of departments. They also have enhanced the school policies and practices and offer their ideas to the Headteacher to improve the school for students, parents and staff.

Student Voice is run by the student leadership team and Mr McCarthy. They are assisted by the team of Sixth Form Senior Students and Year 11 Senior Prefects.

Student Voice consists of four committees – Enjoyment and Achievement, School and Safety, Health and Family Support.

Student Voice Representatives are chosen from each form group and they attend a whole student voice meeting and committee meetings. They conduct questionnaires with their form groups and the results from these questionnaires determine what each committee discusses. The lead representatives from each committee then meet with the Headteacher to share ideas and put forward viewpoints. Last year student voice had a positive impact on the school including: Adapting the house award trip to cater for different tastes and what each house wants, inviting Year 11 and Sixth Form back to attend the house trip, getting independent learning displays around the school, sending Cygnet News out to all students via email, new one way signs around the school and creating links with Broomfield Council.

Student Voice is vital in ensuring that all students receive a high quality education during their time at Chelmer Valley High School.

World Challenge

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The World Challenge Expedition is run on a two-yearly cycle and is available to students from Years 10 to 12. The aim of the project is to visit a less developed country and to run an expedition where they must manage a project phase helping a local school, orphanage or other community project.

The students are expected to book everything, cook meals and order all transport.  To complete the 2 years of fundraising and preparation is a fantastic achievement and the trip provides valuable experience in life skills for the students.  Past trips have gone to Mexico and Belize, Tanzania, India and Thailand.