
Rewards at Chelmer Valley High School

Rewards are an important aspect of school life. At Chelmer Valley High School, we want to celebrate the successes of our students inside and outside of the classroom. The rewards system is intended to motivate all students to achieve their very best and become confident, independent learners and citizens. 

We understand the importance of recognising, praising and rewarding our students in a way that is meaningful to them.  We seek to use methods that students are motivated by and that inspire the students to achieve well. We will ensure that, regardless of ability and age all students across the school will be able to benefit from the rewards process.

Merits are issued and accumulated in every opportunity possible. To ensure rewards are inclusive we strive to facilitate the following:

  • Every member of teaching staff will recognise and reward students for successes within their curriculum area(s).
  • Every member of staff will recognise and reward positive behaviours outside of the classroom. 
  • Every form tutor will recognise and reward students for their contributions to their tutor group, and to acknowledge their successes outside of school.
  • Every member of staff will recognise and reward a student’s effort, attitude and commitment in any aspect of school life.
  • Students whose attendance is excellent and who consistently demonstrate a good attitude to learning across all subjects will automatically be given merits. This also applies to students who are actively involved in student leadership.
  • Students actively involved in school run extra-curricular activities will be given merits and/or identified by leaders of these activities for recognition as and when they occur. Students participating in the Duke of Edinburgh scheme will receive merits and recognition as appropriate.

Methods of Recognising Students’ Successes

Alongside the Merits rewards system, student successes may be recognised in the following ways, including verbal praise:





Celebration Break / Lunch

Outstanding achievement in lessons or producing outstanding homework

Fortnightly (2-5 students per subject)

Cookies at Break / Lunch with the Headteacher

Celebration Assembly

Outstanding Achievement in School – lessons, clubs, trips, sports fixtures, etc.

Termly (2-5 students per class; rationale/reason must be specific and personalised)

Sweet Treats / Vouchers

Awards Evening

Consistent outstanding achievement in school

End of Academic Year

Trophies / Certificates / Amazon Vouchers

Digital Certificates / Postcards

Consistent positive contribution to form time and following school expectations


Digital Certificates / Postcards

Headteacher Roll of Honour

Outstanding Achievement in school


Lunch with the Headteacher

Chelmer Champions

Outstanding piece of work

Weekly – names in bulletin / website / social media (2-5 students per subject)

Skip the queue pass / Certificates / Sweet Treats


Acknowledge all students being rewarded that week for merits, house points, attendance, etc.


Skip the queue pass / Amazon Vouchers

SLT Link Award

Nominated by Form Tutor for their positive attitude and resilience


Hot chocolate

Merit Awards

Top 3 most merits in the year group

Half termly


Merit Table

Top 3 most merits in each form


Skip the queue pass / Sweet Treats / Badges

House Points / House Cup

Outstanding contribution to school community

Half Termly


Attendance Rewards

100% Attendance


Sweet Treats / Certificates

Satchel Badges

Given after three different badges accumulated

As and when criteria is met

Bands of Excellence  

Headteacher Recognition

Exceptional performance across a range of areas


Amazon Voucher and Trophy

Students in Years 7 to 11 will accumulate merits during the school year which will be recognised through half-termly reporting to parents and by being awarded bronze, silver, gold and platinum badges as they accumulate points throughout the year.  Students will be asked to wear the badge(s) on their blazer.  Students can use the new ‘fast track’ queue in the canteen if they are wearing their badge.

Every September will be a fresh start (points will be reset at 1000 merits and students will work towards bronze, silver, gold and platinum for that school year.  When determining students’ rewards points, any behaviour points are deducted from the total.  The points balance thresholds are below:


500 merits


800 merits


1000 merits


1,500 merits


Where students receive 1500+ merits, they are awarded a Headteacher’s Recognition Award during the celebration assembly at the end of each term. 

At the end of the academic year, there is a Rewards Trip or activity fun day for Years 7-10; Year 11 have their Prom.

Thorpe Park  Inflatables  
