Curriculum Overview

Intent Design

At Chelmer Valley, we strongly believe in giving students the opportunity to continually improve. This commitment permeates our curriculum, pastoral care, and every aspect of day-to-day school life. We aim to empower our students to effectively contribute to society both while they are students and after they leave Chelmer Valley High School. We achieve this through a range of strategies—some well-established and others new initiatives—always driven by our goal of making our students lifelong learners who are empowered to become future citizens contributing to the local, national, and global community.

Alongside a coherent and balanced curriculum that places value on all subjects, we seek to inspire and encourage a love of learning, resilience, and understanding.

At Key Stage 3 (KS3), we focus on transferable skills, independent learning, and higher-order thinking skills. In Year 9, we offer our students clear, differentiated progression routes into Key Stage 4 (KS4).

Through excellent advice and guidance, we support all our students in making the right choices as they move from KS4 to KS5. Ever mindful of changes in education and the workplace, we strive to ensure that our curriculum and its delivery remain relevant and tailored to each individual student. To this end, we have developed a pathways approach to highlight the subject progression routes from Key Stage 4, Key Stage 5, and beyond.

Our aim is to enable all of our students to leave the school as well-rounded, responsible citizens, ready to play an active and productive role in society.

The menu choices to the left will take you to more detailed information regarding the current curriculum offered at Chelmer Valley.

We dedicate at least 25 hours a week to teaching, in line with the Department for Education’s recommendations. There are many opportunities to engage in extracurricular activities to enhance learning. Our programme encourages students to pursue an active lifestyle, to be kind and compassionate to those less fortunate, to effect positive change in the world, and to be prepared for the next stages of their lives.


In Years 7, 8 and 9 the list of subjects currently studied includes:

Curriculum subjects:

Mathematics, English, Science, Computer Studies, a Modern Foreign Language, Art, Music, Technology, Physical Education, Geography and History, Religious Studies, Drama, Citizenship/Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE).

Through Citizenship and PSHE, students are given guidance on careers, finance, relationships, healthy eating, first aid, politics and current affairs.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is used across the curriculum, and students have access to computers in many areas of the school.  Emphasis is placed upon the acquisition and assessment of ICT capability within discrete Computer Studies lessons.  

In Year 8 many students also take up a second Modern Foreign Language. 

Assessment of students’ progress is on-going throughout Key Stage 3. In some areas of the curriculum, some students will complete a shortened Key Stage 3 and begin their Key Stage 4 studies before the end of Year 9.

Tutors support students' learning in Key Stage 3 through a structured tutor programme and by reviewing their achievements and helping them with their target setting.  Students are given comprehensive guidance in order to ensure that they follow a broad and balanced curriculum during Key Stage 4.  This guidance starts in the Spring Term of Year 9 and involves parents at every stage before the final decisions about curriculum choices are made.


Our Key Stage 4 curriculum offers a wide range of GCSE and vocational courses that naturally lead into the post-16 options we provide. Most students are entered for public examinations unless there are exceptional circumstances. A small number of students may follow an alternative education program more suited to their needs, which may not necessarily lead to GCSE qualifications. Importantly, all students have access to a pathway leading to the English Baccalaureate.

In Years 10 and 11, the following subjects are compulsory:

  • Mathematics
  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Science (minimum equivalent of two GCSEs)
  • Core Physical Education

Additionally, students must select at least one subject from the following:

  • Modern Foreign Language:
    • French
    • Spanish
  • Geography
  • History

Students can choose additional subjects from these areas:

  • Triple Science

  • Humanities

    • History
    • Geography
    • Religion, Philosophy & Ethics
  • Modern Foreign Languages

    • French
    • German
  • Creative Arts

    • Art
    • Photography
    • Music
    • Drama
  • Physical Education

  • Technology

    • Product Design
    • Graphics
    • Engineering
    • Food Technology
    • Construction
  • Child Development
  • Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE)
  • Hair and Beauty
  • Computer Studies
    • ICT
    • Computer Science

To enrich the curriculum, students have access to a variety of programs at appropriate times, including careers guidance, citizenship education, health education, finance, and enterprise/work-related learning activities. Throughout all Key Stages 3, 4, and 5, we provide a comprehensive enrichment program that allows students to apply and enhance their computer skills across the curriculum.

Individual review sessions and target setting occur throughout Key Stage 4. We monitor progress through regular subject reviews and by preparing estimated grades at consistent intervals, ensuring that each student receives the support they need to succeed.


We provide all post-16 students with comprehensive support in order to access Higher or Further Education, a Vocational Career, or Apprenticeships.  Currently, students are offered combinations of the following courses in our Sixth Form. 

GCE A Level Courses:

English Literature, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Physics, Art and Design, Design & Technology – Product Design, Drama and Theatre Studies, Economics, Extended Project Qualification, Financial Studies, French, Geography, German, History, Media Studies, Music, Music Technology, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Sport and Physical Education.

OCR Technical:

Information Communication Technology

BTEC Level 3:

Performing Arts, Business and Physical Education.


All students are encouraged to enter for the Extended Project Qualification and there is a suite of Enrichment activities available to all students.

Students have regular time allocated with their tutor for assessing and reviewing progress and target setting.  Subject teachers regularly prepare estimated grades for every student and these enable students, parents and tutors to monitor and measure progress.




@ChelmerValleyHS - 19/03/2025
Big congrats to Regional Final and the host school for a wonderful event! Our top 3 finalists of the evening were: 🥇Tom Davies, 🥈Dennis Mukewa, Beauchamps High School 🥉 Elleora Ulasi,
@ChelmerValleyHS - 19/03/2025
Such an amazing evening! Thanks to all in for their hard work in organising
@ChelmerValleyHS - 18/03/2025
Wow! Amazing work!
@ChelmerValleyHS - 16/03/2025
On Friday (Pi day!) the whole of year 7-10 were lucky enough to see a Maths talk. Year 8-10 explored some freaky probability and Year 7 learnt about topology and properties of shapes, including an exciting smoke ring demonstration!
@ChelmerValleyHS - 14/03/2025
Another amazing performance by . Year 10 enjoyed watching Macbeth be brought to life 👑🩸
@ChelmerValleyHS - 13/03/2025
A fantastic way to celebrate We had year 7, 8 and 9 working on whole year group stories and playlists to match favourite books. Well done KS3 📚
@ChelmerValleyHS - 11/03/2025
Thanks for coming to see us yesterday!
@ChelmerValleyHS - 11/03/2025
Congratulations to BL8V for winning Art Work of the Week with her ink resist work inspired by the Green Man mythology. We loved the bold colour! 👏👏
@ChelmerValleyHS - 11/03/2025
Congratulations to MM 10E for winning Art Work of the Week with her fun photo collage- we loved the colour balance and patterns! 👏👏
@ChelmerValleyHS - 10/03/2025
Looking forward to a great day at today, motivating a small cohort of year 10 students, followed by a motivational assembly for year 11, staff CPD empowerment and ending with a parents evening talk, I’m excited for what today has in store 🔥
@ChelmerValleyHS - 6/03/2025
Thank you ! What a fantastic addition to our library 📚
@ChelmerValleyHS - 6/03/2025
Last few dates remaining for day bookings of our 3G pitch - discounts available! 23-25 July, 4-6 August, 18 August and 26-27 August
@ChelmerValleyHS - 6/03/2025
3G pitch discounts available now! 25% off advertised prices for bookings between 4 & 8pm Saturdays and Sundays. Does not include match rates - conditions apply.
@ChelmerValleyHS - 5/03/2025
Great work by Year 8 today on a very competitive treasure hunt consolidating their knowledge on 3D shapes and nets. Well done to the two winning teams.
@ChelmerValleyHS - 4/03/2025
Hot off the press! Check out everything that has been happening in STEAM this term in our STEAM newsletter at the bottom of this webpage:
@ChelmerValleyHS - 28/02/2025
Fantastic from year 7 this week on solving some rich puzzles on factors, multiples and primes. Two groups even managed to solve the puzzle!!!
@ChelmerValleyHS - 13/02/2025
Our Sports Leaders recently helped at the CSSP Year 4 Superstars event. They were amazing and got lots of compliments about their leadership skills & patience with the little ones from different primary schools. They were a real credit to Chelmer. Well done 👏
@ChelmerValleyHS - 13/02/2025
Well done to our Year 7 and 8 students who recently took part in the Panathlon Ten Pin Bowling Challenge 🎳. All the students had a great time & our year 7 team came 3rd overall 🥉. We look forward to the next challenge in a few weeks.
@ChelmerValleyHS - 13/02/2025
Well done to our Year 7 and 8 netball teams who had a great fixture tonight against . It was great to see so much effort and skill on show and lots of smiles throughout. Well done girls 🏐
@ChelmerValleyHS - 13/02/2025
A fantastic event - thanks to for putting it on, students for taking part and all who sponsored them to raise so much for our neighbours at
@ChelmerValleyHS - 12/02/2025
Chelmer science week continues! Today Year 8 have been analysing soil samples to link their suspects to the crime scene. Looks successful so far!@ChelmerValleyHS
@ChelmerValleyHS - 12/02/2025
@ChelmerValleyHS - 10/02/2025
Chelmer science week is here! Year 8 have a forensic investigation throughout their science lessons this week. They also have to gather clues from their other STEAM lessons across the school to help solve the puzzle. Good luck year 8!@ChelmerValleyHS
@ChelmerValleyHS - 10/02/2025
Apprenticeships open doors to exciting careers, equipping people with the skills they need to seize opportunity 👏 This we'll be celebrating apprentices, and the employers and training providers who support them. Find out more 👉
@ChelmerValleyHS - 6/02/2025
Beautiful work!
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