
Careers Lead

Mrs A Shea                                                 

Careers Information & Guidance Adviser from Directions

Mrs L Pembroke


Chelmer Valley Guest Speaker Programme

Chelmer Valley High School are proud to have developed a careers programme that meets all eight standards of the Gatsby Benchmarks of good careers guidance. 

Gatsby Benchmarks

Our aim is to develop student employability skills, resilience and career management skills and inform about local, national and international labour market information, guide students to explore and develop career ideas and high aspirations, educate students on the complete spectrum of post 16 and post 18 pathways and prepare them for successful post 16 or post 18 transitions. In addition to this, we follow up and where necessary offer further support to students after they leave us. 

The Careers Library is fully resourced and is open to all students during break and lunchtimes. We have an Instagram page careers@cvhs which keeps you up to date with an assortment of different careers.  The IT facility is UniFrog, introduced in Year 7, which brings all the available information into one single, impartial, user-friendly platform that helps students to make the best choices. The benefits of being web based is that this programme can be used at home.


We have an appointed careers advisor from Directions, which is an outside agency who provide impartial Careers Education, Information Advice & Guidance to students in groups and on a one-to-one basis.

We welcome support from a variety of employers, employees and external providers and are always looking to develop our links further. If you are interested in contributing to the careers development of our students, please see our Provider Access Policy for further information. 


School contact details:

Mrs A Shea: