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Safeguarding/Child Protection
Key Contacts within the School
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Mrs S Mycock | 01245 440232 Ext 345 |
Designated Safeguarding Officer and Child Exploitation Champion |
Mrs M Piper |
01245 440232 Ext 218 |
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mrs H Pudney Mrs C Robbins |
01245 440232 |
Nominated Safeguarding Trustee | Mrs M Whybro | 01245 440232 Ext 205 |
Nominated Deputy Safeguarding Trustee | To be advised | 01245 440232 |
If you have a concern contact
If you are concerned that a child is in immediate danger dial 999.
Key Contacts within the Local Authority
Contact Social Care for urgent and immediate concerns for the safety and welfare of a child or young person.
Telephone: 0345 603 7627 (office hours) 0345 606 1212 (out of office hours)
ESCB, Essex Safeguarding Children Board is able to provide advice.
County Hall,
Chelmsford CM1 1QH
Telephone: 0333 013 8936
Email: escb@essex.gov.uk
The Children & Families Hub is able to provide advice and consultancy and accept referrals.
Telephone: 0345 603 7627
Please see the links for recommended sites to help children and young people to deal with understandable reactions to terrorist incidents.
Do not hesitate to contact your Head of Year or Mrs S Mycock if you have any concerns or questions.
After The Event:
Links To Helpful Websites and Specific Topics on Safeguarding:
Tutor Hunt - Safe Internet use for children
Child Sexual Exploitation Children's Society
Essex Safeguarding Children Board (ESCB)