
Achievement at Chelmer Valley High School

Raising achievement is a key priority for the school. Our continued vision is to further raise the profile of achievement by promoting an effective learning culture and using data to set targets and monitor the progress of all students.

How this is achieved

We assess students regularly so we have accurate and timely feedback on the progress that they are making. This is then communicated home to parents through reports, termly review data, raising achievement evenings and consultation evenings.

Students that are identified as not making the expected progress will meet with a senior member of staff and targets will be set to help them achieve their potential. This will then be communicated home so a relationship between the school and home can be established and as a united front the student will get the support needed to achieve.

During assemblies and tutor time throughout the year students will be taught revision and study skills that they can use to become lifelong learners and this will promote an effective learning culture throughout the school.

If you have any questions regarding achievement at Chelmer Valley, please do not hesitate to contact either Mr Beadle (Assistant Headteacher - Raising Achievement) or Mr Groves (Deputy Headteacher - Quality of Education) on 01245 440232 or by emailing