STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths)

Director of STEAM - Dr N Hawkins

STEM Coordinator - Mr A Harley

SLT Link - Mrs S Mycock

STEAM Ambassador - Mrs A Shea


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Chelmer Valley High School has been a specialist Engineering College since 2004. This is something we take pride in and we are committed to preparing our students for the challenges of the future by embracing a comprehensive STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) approach to education.

At Chelmer Valley High School, we view STEAM as more than just a collection of subjects. Rather than just learning the facts, STEAM education is about developing critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and the ability to collaborate across disciplines. This is embedded into our curriculum, where our courses at every Key Stage provide both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. By blending the analytical with the creative, our students learn to approach problems from multiple angles, equipping them to be well-rounded individuals who are not only academically strong but also creative, innovative and ready to take on the future.

We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment, empowering girls and non-binary students to excel in STEAM fields where they are typically under-represented. We actively encourage and support their participation through tailored programs, mentorship opportunities, and a culture that values diverse perspectives. By breaking down stereotypes and providing role models, we inspire all students to pursue their passions in STEAM, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to lead and innovate in the fields that shape our future.


STEAM Curriculum

At KS3, all students cover a core STEAM curriculum. This includes Science, Maths, Art and Design, a suite of technology subjects and Computer Studies.

This strong foundation is built upon in KS4, where all students study the core subjects of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths. Optional KS4 courses that are currently offered include Triple Science, Art and Design, Photography, Further Maths, Astronomy, Computer Science, ICT, Engineering, Design Technology: Product Design, Graphic Communication and Construction.

We offer an array of KS5 STEAM courses led by passionate teaching staff. The current subjects available are Maths, Further Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology.

In addition, we are Artsmark Gold Award holders, which recognises the school’s approach to embedding arts, culture and creativity across the curriculum, and run an EPQ programme, with a project focus that includes STEAM subjects.

STEAM Workshops and Seminars

Guest speaker talks provide an opportunity for students to hear from those outside the school system. Talks span a wide range of topics, formats and speakers, and should be seen as part of a much broader set of enrichment activities. Speakers may be explaining a particular aspect of the world of work or how society operates.

They may be sharing insights on a topical issue or something related to a subject or topic the students are studying. Talks may take place in a small group setting, such as a classroom or with a select set of interested students, or in a large group setting, such as a whole school assembly. Reflecting on the role guest speakers can play in expanding young people’s horizons, such variety is more than a function of logistical and curricular jigsaws, it is a fundamental element of delivering a strong programme of talks. A diversity of speakers is beneficial – from the deliberately relatable (such as alumni from the local area or with similar backgrounds to the students) to the deliberately different – they all help to broaden outlooks and provide insight into how other parts of the world work.

Here is what we have planned for the year ahead.

Speakers and Workshops for STEAM 24/25


STEAM Extra-curricular activities

Outside the classroom, students have numerous opportunities to further explore their STEAM interests through a wide array of extra-curricular activities. We believe having such opportunities available is essential to inspire and develop our students, whilst promoting a love of STEAM.

The weekly clubs offered at Chelmer Valley include the following, with the timetable below (subject to change).

Green Power Challenge - The club will give pupils a chance to Design, build & race a single seater electric car. Racing will be at some of the UK's top race tracks.

The perfect club for those interested in a future in Engineering and Design.

Open to all 11-16 year olds (competition rules), although race team places are limited again because of the rules.

Product Design Club - A weekly early KS3 evening club where we will teach you to use the fantastic facilities Chelmer have available, to design and make a variety of products. 6 Week blocks will be themed with either traditional woodworking skills or Cad/Cam based.

Places in the workshop are strictly limited for safety reasons and so we will be running a waiting list to make sure as many parents and pupils get the opportunity to take part as we can throughout the year. There will be 16 places (8 pairs) in each block. Each block will run for 6 weeks at a cost of £30 per pair. Places both blocks for the autumn term have already been filled.

Chess Club - Well, what better brain exercise than the mystical game of chess? Chess offers numerous benefits for students, contributing to their cognitive, social, and emotional development. Chess is a universal game, knowing no boundaries of age, gender, ethnicity or disability.

Science Club – Provides students with an opportunity to refine their practical skills and extend their knowledge beyond the classroom.

STE(A)Minists – A dynamic and inclusive space designed for girls and non-binary youth passionate about STEAM. We explore inspiring role models in STEAM, tackle mini challenges, and discover creative problem-solving. Building skills, sparking innovation and connecting with a supportive community.

Maths Logic Legends - Brainpower is unlocked with our Maths & Logic Club! Students get the opportunity to play exciting board games and tackle code-breaking challenges and logic puzzles. Students sharpen their skills, have fun, and connect with fellow problem-solvers.

Digital Leaders – Students learn to diagnose and repair technical issues, gain hands-on experience with coding and further develop their problem-solving skills. This club is perfect for students eager to explore the inner workings of technology and build real-world expertise.

Robotics Club – coming soon (supported by Teledyne e2v)

STEAM Clubs timetable 24/25










Week B Digital Leaders



3-4pm Chess Club

3-4:30pm Art Club

3:10-4:10pm Science Club

3-4pm Maths Logic Legends


3:10-4:10pm Green Power Racing


3-4pm Art Club (GCSE)


3-4pm Maths Revision (KS4 and KS5)


3 - 4:30 Astronomy (GCSE-invite only)



5-6pm Product Design Club



In addition:

  • Art has an open door policy every lunch and afterschool (GCSE only)
  • Technology has an “All Technology Open Door” every Monday and Wednesday (GCSE only)


STEAM Links to Industry and Higher Education


Teledyne e2v

E2V is an International company which began its journey here in Chelmsford in 1944. Their innovations and state-of-the-art technologies have led to ground breaking improvements in cancer radiotherapy systems, ultra-high reliability in critical electronic systems and observing the effects of climate change from space. They support the students at CVHS through talks, visits, work experience and running extra-curricular clubs at the school. They offer competitive apprenticeship schemes in both engineering and business.


Chelmsford Science and Engineering Society (CSES)

CSES is the hub of Engineering, Technology and Science in Essex and their aim is explore, educate and expand. They run a variety of events throughout the year to inspire people of all ages and advance public engagement in science, engineering and technology.

As a school we have close links with the society and often attend their events and seminars and often have speakers from the society come and speak in the school. CSES have also provided funding for some of our extra-curricular activities to provide students with fantastic opportunities to explore STEAM outside of the classroom.

Battelle UK

Battelle UK investigates on behalf of its customers the fate and behaviour of chemicals in food and the environment. The studies help to ensure that pesticides, pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals pose no unacceptable risk to the environment and will not be present at harmful levels in food. The work makes an important contribution to the global need to sustainably feed the world in a safe manner.

Students have previously the chance to work in their modern laboratories and understand how chemicals interact with their environment.

Cambridge University (Cambridge University Institute for Manufacturing)

Little introduction is needed for this historical establishment, other than that CVHS is the only secondary school to have direct links with the university’s manufacturing department and engineers. This is a link we have had for many years, and staff from the university regularly invite students to visit and take part in many fun activities (including punting on the river Cam!).


Anglia Ruskin University

Our local university is a dynamic and valued link of the school. Many of our students have gone on to study engineering based courses here with great success. They also host the Chelmsford Engineering Societies annual competition.



The NHS is the biggest employer in Europe and the world's largest employer of highly skilled professionals. 1.3 million people across the health service in England are devoting their working lives to caring for others. That is one in every 25 working age adults, three quarters of whom are women.

What better way can we highlight the amazing NHS than showing our students the careers available to them especially within STEAM. Financing, IT, Cyber Security, as well as the more familiar careers of Doctors, Surgeons and Nurses. The opportunities for STEAM careers are endless. 


British Armed Forces

Protecting the nation and its dependent territories will always be their first role. Highly trained soldiers are ready to deploy anywhere at any time to meet a variety of challenges. Ranging from support to the Police following a terrorist attack, to specialist capabilities such as bomb disposal and intelligence experts, 24 hours a day 365 days a year, they are always ready to serve.