STEAM Curriculum
At KS3, all students cover a core STEAM curriculum. This includes Science, Maths, Art and Design,Music, Drama, a suite of technology subjects and Computer Studies.
This strong foundation is built upon in KS4, where all students study the core subjects of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths. Optional KS4 courses that are currently offered include Triple Science, Further Maths, Astronomy, Computer Science, ICT, Art and Design, Photography, Music, Drama, Engineering, Design Technology: Product Design, Graphic Communication and Construction.
We offer an array of KS5 STEAM courses led by passionate teaching staff. The current subjects available are Maths, Further Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology and Performing Arts.
In addition, we are Artsmark Gold Award holders, which recognises the school’s approach to embedding arts, culture and creativity across the curriculum, and run an EAQ programme, with a project focus that includes STEAM subjects.