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STEAM Links to Industry and Higher Education
Teledyne e2v
E2V is an International company which began its journey here in Chelmsford in 1944. Their innovations and state-of-the-art technologies have led to ground breaking improvements in cancer radiotherapy systems, ultra-high reliability in critical electronic systems and observing the effects of climate change from space. They support the students at CVHS through talks, visits, work experience and running extra-curricular clubs at the school. They offer competitive apprenticeship schemes in both engineering and business.
Chelmsford Science and Engineering Society (CSES)
CSES is the hub of Engineering, Technology and Science in Essex and their aim is explore, educate and expand. They run a variety of events throughout the year to inspire people of all ages and advance public engagement in science, engineering and technology.
As a school we have close links with the society and often attend their events and seminars and often have speakers from the society come and speak in the school. CSES have also provided funding for some of our extra-curricular activities to provide students with fantastic opportunities to explore STEAM outside of the classroom.
Battelle UK
Battelle UK investigates on behalf of its customers the fate and behaviour of chemicals in food and the environment. The studies help to ensure that pesticides, pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals pose no unacceptable risk to the environment and will not be present at harmful levels in food. The work makes an important contribution to the global need to sustainably feed the world in a safe manner.
Students have previously the chance to work in their modern laboratories and understand how chemicals interact with their environment.
Cambridge University
www.ifm.eng.cam.ac.uk (Cambridge University Institute for Manufacturing)
Little introduction is needed for this historical establishment, other than that CVHS is the only secondary school to have direct links with the university’s manufacturing department and engineers. This is a link we have had for many years, and staff from the university regularly invite students to visit and take part in many fun activities (including punting on the river Cam!).
Anglia Ruskin University
Our local university is a dynamic and valued link of the school. Many of our students have gone on to study engineering based courses here with great success. They also host the Chelmsford Engineering Societies annual competition.
The NHS is the biggest employer in Europe and the world's largest employer of highly skilled professionals. 1.3 million people across the health service in England are devoting their working lives to caring for others. That is one in every 25 working age adults, three quarters of whom are women.
What better way can we highlight the amazing NHS than showing our students the careers available to them especially within STEAM. Financing, IT, Cyber Security, as well as the more familiar careers of Doctors, Surgeons and Nurses. The opportunities for STEAM careers are endless.
British Armed Forces
Protecting the nation and its dependent territories will always be their first role. Highly trained soldiers are ready to deploy anywhere at any time to meet a variety of challenges. Ranging from support to the Police following a terrorist attack, to specialist capabilities such as bomb disposal and intelligence experts, 24 hours a day 365 days a year, they are always ready to serve.