Latest News

Posted on: 22/08/2024

GCSE Results


Chelmer Valley High School is celebrating a fantastic set of GCSE outcomes, which has been their best performance for many years.  We are exceptionally proud of all of the students' achievements and look forward to welcoming many of our students back to our Sixth Form to study A-Levels.  Other students are going off to a range of apprenticeships and colleges to study a range of courses.  Many of our students achieved multiple 7+ grades with notable performance from Elinor and Mia both achieving 5 grade 9s, 3 grade 8s and 1 grade 7; Peter achieving 5 grade 9s, 2 grade 8s and 1 grade 7;  India achieving 4 grade 9s and 3 grade 7s; Lydia achieving 3 grade 9s, 4 grade 8s and 3 grade 7 and Freddie, Alexander and Aidan all achieving multiple Grade 7, 8 and 9s.  Huge congratulations to all of our students for all of their hard work and we look forward to hearing about their successes in the future

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