Computer Studies

Head of Computer Studies Mr P Jacob
Second in Department Mr C Hammond                      
Curriculum Support Mrs D Webb



What do students learn in Computer Studies?

Computer Studies concentrates in fostering interest and raising confidence in the use of computing. Students will develop an appreciation of the range and power of computer applications and solve problems using computing. Their studies include systems analysis, algorythm design and programming concepts. Students will also be prepared to understand the computing needs of the modern world and to be able to communicate ideas and handle information effectively. Students will be exposed to a broad range of computer applications, so as to provide an understanding of the power and versatility of the computer and the benefits of its use, but also its limitations and potential disadvantages. Computer Studies is a life skill subject as the skills learnt in this subject can also be used in other areas of study and in everyday life.

The students learn to use a variety of software packages and should be capable of working independently with a computer to gain access to, manipulate, interrogate information and present their findings in a format suitable for use and audience. We introduce the students to large and small databases, including Internet-based datasets and those found of CD-ROM’s. We show students how computer models can help to predict the future and help them to solve problems with unknown variables. Students explore how to set up models and learn how to enter rules and instruction sets and we explore ways in which information can be communicated to others. In particular, students begin to appreciate how this information can be used to influence others. Students learn how to use Spreadsheet Modelling, Database, Web Design, Animations, Programming, Video and Digital Imaging packages.

Finally, students study how computers are used to control and monitor their environments and begin to appreciate just how precise the instructions have to be. An opportunity to write computer programmes will be available those who have opted for Computer Studies as one of their chosen subjects at Key Stage 4.

Page Downloads  
Computer Science Curriculum Intent Download
CS and ICT Curriculum Map Download